[Bonsai icon]

 Well Nowsm

Preventative / Alternative Health Information Service

Yours is the  29860th  visit to our homepage.

The Rail
(The Health Train)


You've arrived at Well Nowsm Health Information Service, a not-for-profit project of members of the Gordon family of Atlanta, Georgia.

Our purpose is to collect and disseminate information about natural medicine approaches to human health.

We're happy to answer questions posted to our BBS or sent to us by email; happy to answer questions sent to us by "snail mail", too; be sure to include a stamped, self-addressed envelope if you write to us, at:

PO Box 15524, Atlanta, Georgia, 30333-0524.

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The Guide
What's New
February 24, 1999
(White Spectral Wind)
List of recent additions and changes to our site. Check here often to find out What's New.
We've temporarily closed our On-the-Web BBS, recognizing that changes in the Internet 'ambience' involving 'spammers' and 'name harvesters', etc., have made folks more wary of letting their names, addresses and words appear in "public places". We intend to revise our BBS/Forum and reopen at some future date.
The Store
(a stop for The Streetcar)

 All purchases help support the Well Nowsm project.

Our  On-the-Web Store  features foods and supplements from Now Natural Foods Company, at the lowest prices you're likely to find anywhere on this well-known brand.

Our Wisdom of the Ancients Shoppe offers that company's complete line of famous Paraguayan herbal teas, Stevia, and unique skin care produts.

Our Book Shoppe and Gifts Shoppe are presently closed for remodeling.
What's Here
Our What's Here page contains links to a growing number of useful and interesting health-related files. We've begun collecting "success stories" whenever we come across them. You may want to bookmark our site and check this page often.
What's There
Our What's There page contains links to other sites we've found valuable, useful, interesting or intriguing. This, too, is a growing collection and one you may want to check on from time to time.
What's What
Our What's What page features links related to cyberspace "campaigns" and other important issues.

(Icon, "Horace's Kingsville Box" - Courtesy of The Online Bonsai Icon Collection)

Most recent revision: December 15, 2018 by Jeff Gordon
All Rights Reserved, without Prejudice.
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